BBTF 13 Highlights

Thursday, August 30, 2012

brevcHacHi's letter - BBTF 9 Director's Notebook

May 26, 2008

Dear Beloved Shepherds and BBTF Staff,

First, I would like to thank you for all the efforts you are exerting for the success of our 9th Breviarian Big Tent Festival.  I cannot thank you enough.  May God be pleased with all of you and may He grant us the grace to have more bricks to your homes in heaven. 

I know you have sacrificed a lot of your time and energy…practiced more patience and love during the preparations and of course, now.  Nevertheless, may we be blessed and may our labors not be in vain. 

Tomorrow, we will be at the peak of this journey and there will be more surprises for all of us.  So may we continue to work with love and joy.  This is our great privilege to serve Him.  It is not plainly because the youth needs to be guided, but more so, it is because we need to work out for our salvation.  This is His unique grace for us.  He has given us a venue to rediscover the joy of having a community; to feel His healing grace; to accept His love for us so that we may learn to love ourselves and other people; to rejoice in His mercy and forgiveness.

We have been given a special task that while we are growing in His grace, we have the responsibility of making others walk with us in this journey.  This is not a burden we would have to carry; rather, a chance to express our love to Him by obeying and heeding His call of service.  It is my hope that as we renew ourselves during this camp, others may join us.  May all of us have the heart of worship and learn holy humility.  Pray always.

We may have a lot of spiritual warfares especially during this time so always pray for protection. But since He has promised that He will always be with us, we do not have a reason to be afraid.  Let us stand up together and do our best.  We may commit mistakes but all events have a purpose.  He may allow us to fall but He gives us the grace to pick ourselves up and persevere.

As Camp Director this year, I would like to thank you for giving me this special title despite my weakness and unworthiness.  Thank you for loving, trusting and most of all, forgiving me.  Nevertheless, this is just a title.  The REAL director is God.  This inspiration came from Him and we once again consecrate this camp to Him.  Whatever happens, whatever the circumstances may be, may His holy will be done.

Let us continue to be open to His promptings.  Shine your best.  This is all for His greater glory.


Your Servant in the Lord,


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