BBTF 13 Highlights

Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Big Tent Experience - Brev Tien

As I entered the retreat house I reminded myself to share and to apply all I will learn to my family and friends. I was very eager to listen to the speakers.   But one that touched me most was the life story of Mr. Pangilinan.   I realized how lucky I am that I am well provided by my family compared to him. Respect and appreciation are what our parents need from us.  In times of problems in the family we need to work hand in hand to solve what problems we have.  Now I value my family. 

I learned to be a good leader.  As a leader I should be an example to them. 

I also learned to introduce a guest speaker which I’ve never done before.  At first I was nervous but I just closed my eyes and prayed to Jesus to give me the courage.

by:  Christian Anne V. Trinidad

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